My Story

I was born and raised outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, home to the Steelers, Heinz Ketchup, and three rivers. We’ve also been known to churn out a celebrity or two, most notably Mr. Rogers, Michael Keaton, and Jeff Goldblum.

My father Timothy (1933-2000) was a steelworker back in the day when steel mills were one of Pittsburgh’s main industries and my mom Janet (1941-2009) was an O.R. nurse turned stay-at-home mom. My older sister Beth rounds out our crazy, somewhat dysfunctional family.

I grew up surrounded by the woods where I’d swing from vines, climb trees, and build forts. I spent a good part of my childhood getting dirty. When I wasn’t playing outside, I was reading or putting on silly plays for my folks or doing something creative.

I’ve always been an introvert who prefers reading to socializing. And for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been curious. Why do people do what they do? Why do people act a certain way? What motivates someone to do good or to do harm?

I’m that kind of person who will watch a movie about a subject and then go do research on that subject. When Oliver Stone’s JFK came out, I watched every documentary I could find on the assassination. Schindler’s List, same thing. I love learning about people so it’s no surprise that one of my favorite shows as a teen was Biography.

My mom took me to numerous plays throughout my childhood and it’s really no surprise I went on to become a theater major. To this day, I love the theater and occasionally dabble in playwriting. Two years ago I had a one-act produced by a local theater company and I’m hoping to write and submit more in the future.

I’ve always loved writing, but it wasn’t until I became a theater major that I even realized this was something you could do for a living. It was in my screenwriting class that my professor pulled me aside and told me I should pursue writing.

I went on to study English and journalism in college which led me to do some freelance writing, intern at the Pittsburgh Magazine, and eventually do a communications fellowship for International Justice Mission in Chennai, India.

Over the years I’ve had my share of dry spells due to life getting in the way (and needing to pay the bills) but I am eager to finally shut down the negative self-talk that says, “You’re not good enough” and as Nike likes to say, “Just do it.”

"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that."

Stephen King